How Technology is helping fight COVID-19
Tech has a history of helping the medical industry track and treat viruses and even during these difficult times of the global pandemic, tech and digital companies are playing their part on the forefront. Without a doubt COVID-19 has triggered an unprecedented demand for digital health technology...
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Best HR Practices during COVID-19
Effective Communication is Key
 The communication strategy should be multi-pronged and use all channels of communication available. Along with this, HR departments should pull together information pertaining to the coronavirus to create a ready-to-refer instructional guide for employees that ...
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Top 10 Innovative HR Practices
1. Mandated LeavesProgressive-thinking companies understand that recharging on vacation is integral to employee focus and productivity. Instead of rewarding workers for being “too committed” to take time off, taking vacation is a required action. New policies that employees are required to take t...
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5 Key Benefits of a Fully Integrated HR Software
1. Increased efficiencyHaving one application to track, store and retrieve employee data saves a lot of time. Saving time on repetitive, dull and low-value tasks such as data entry, updating spreadsheets, or sending emails to ask for systems’ information to be changed is a significant boon for HR...
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Importance of employee tracking and attendence tracking software
Thanks to present technology, employers can now track and monitor almost all activities of employees. Organizations today can monitor their staff activities and tasks by tracking their email accounts, internet usage, GPS, employee badges, etc. Employee tracking allows businesses to track employee...
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